Approach to W+ Verification
When undertaking a verification of a W+ project our verification team will seek evidence of material change in the position and condition of the women participating in project activities.
The change that the project is seeking to make in the lives of the women participants should be explicit in the project’s W+ documentation and will then be the focus of the verification activity.
Specifically, the verification team will look for positive and negative changes in the recognition and regard to women in the community and their living experience which may be seen across one or more of the W+ domains:

The extent of the change identified, and its likely permanence will determine the assurance level given. This will be stated as ‘limited’ assurance or ‘reasonable’ assurance.
Should a W+ Project fail to deliver its proposed gender plan, the units generated by that project will be labelled based on the percentage of women that were engaged, and the extent of the change in their position or condition achieved by the project.
SAN’s unique W+ Standard verification services are underpinned by its 8 principles, initially set out and described by John Pearce and Alan Kay, SAN founders, community development and social enterprise pioneers: .
Purpose – clarifying the true change and purpose that an organisation is working towards (focus).
Clarify Purpose – acknowledge and articulate the purpose and values of the organisation, and how project activities achieve the intended performance and impact.
Embed the process – ensuring that the social impact process is continual and central to what the organisation’s activities (regular).
Define Scope – clear understanding of what is covered and stakeholders in.
Engage Stakeholders – identifying relevant stakeholders, engaging and consulting with them in assessing any change that happens, ensuring that more than one view is considered in assessing social value created by an organisation.
Ensure Materiality – determine the relevant information and evidence is included in the report that gives a true and fair picture of an organisation’s performance and impact so that reasonable conclusions can be drawn.
Making Comparisons – tracking changes so that appropriate comparisons can be made over time and with external standards (improvement).
Transparent – being open and disclosing what an organisation has achieved or not.
Verifying the Report – checking that the interpretation of the change that happens is as true as possible.
Embed the Process – demonstration of and commitment to the creation of social value and reporting on those processes becomes embedded as a regular practice in the life cycle of the organisation.
SAN’s independent verification provides transparency and rigor for organisations and project implementers that have applied W+ Standard to their activities. It provides a measure of a project’s results for women’s empowerment and reports on contributions to SDG 5. Verification can introduce a new source of funding for reinvestment in expanding activities that directly lead to women’s empowerment as well as driving better outcomes through design and implementation guidance for gender-responsive activities.